Use cases across all departments
GlassFlow uses cases impact your business in real-time.
Real-Time Data Movement
Send your data anywhere in real-time. Every event will be synched in milliseconds across your systems.
Database CDC
With our built-in connectors, you can capture new data from your databases, such as Postgres, and deliver those changes in real-time with your pipelines.
Anomaly Detection
GlassFlow provides you the infra to find anomalous data in real-time when they happen so you can take action before it affects downstream systems.
Scale ingestions for your AI pipeline
The infra to ingest and run multi-functions on every request for your unstructured and structured data loads.
Automated Pipeline Creation
Create data pipelines without manual efforts for all your clients. Based on triggers from your database or from your Python functions.
Real-Time Data Transformation
Use Python functions to filter, enrich though external APIs, format or manipulate data in real-time before consuming with your sink systems.
Real-Time Analytics
GlassFlow is the infra to build dashboards that load new events in real-time so your team can take actions the moment they need to happen.
Lets get started
Reach out and we show you how GlassFlow interacts with your existing data stack.
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