The infra to ingest and run multi-functions on every request for your unstructured and structured data loads.
The highly scalable infra of GlassFlow makes it suitable for companies who need to process hundreds of millions of events per month.
Store and reprocess all historical events when models or business logic changes.
Build rule-based functions to reach the best possible results for your RAG pipelines.
Coordinating large volumes of API requests while managing rate limits and costs.
Ensuring consistent processing despite network issues or service disruptions.
Manually created logics that depend on results of functions before are causing wrong decisions and poor quality of responses.
Ensure reliability, scalability, and fault tolerance in AI data pipelines by managing spikes, retrying failed tasks, and preventing data loss with ur in-built queue system.
Built-in retry mechanisms and dead-letter queues ensure no data is lost during processing failures.
Setup multiple functions based on rules to ensure that your RAG pipelines is selecting the best model for each of the events ingested.
GlassFlow uses cases impact your business in real-time.
Reach out and we show you how GlassFlow interacts with your existing data stack.
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