GlassFlow provides you the infra to find anomalous data in real-time when they happen so you can take action before it affects downstream systems.
Score events against ML models in real-time with minimal latency. Every anomaly is detected within milliseconds.
Because models are automatically deployed and versioned, there's no DevOps overhead needed.
Real-Time multi functions and learning for your models to adapt to the newest data.
Deploying and updating ML models in a production environment requires specialized infrastructure.
Real-time scoring needs to happen within milliseconds to be actionable.
Managing false positives and alert fatigue while ensuring critical anomalies are caught
Simple deployment process for ML models with automatic versioning and rollback capabilities.
High-performance infrastructure designed specifically for sub-second model inference.
Configurable alert thresholds and intelligent grouping to reduce noise while capturing important anomalies
GlassFlow uses cases impact your business in real-time.
Reach out and we show you how GlassFlow interacts with your existing data stack.
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