Create data pipelines without manual efforts for all your clients. Based on triggers from your database or from your Python functions.
Setup triggers that automatically creates real-time data pipelines for your customers.
In-built data schema check will notify you when a change happens and lets you decide how you want to reprocess the data.
Setup multiple workspaces to manage and monitor the performance of the data pipelines for each of your clients.
For each of the clients a data engineer needs to setup manually the data pipelines from scratch causing a slow experience for customers.
Changes in source schema, such as added fields or altered data types, can break downstream pipelines.
The data is synched every hour or 10 minutes so that customers are missing important to time to react on activities that need quick response.
GlassFlow allows users to define triggers such as new tables in a postgres database that creates automatically new pipelines for each tenant.
GlassFlow in-built data schema check will notify you immediately when a change happens and lets you decide how you want to reprocess the data.
GlassFlow is built with technology that is highly scalable and can process millions of events within seconds.
GlassFlow uses cases impact your business in real-time.
Reach out and we show you how GlassFlow interacts with your existing data stack.
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